What Is the Average Car Accident Settlement for Back and Neck Injuries

Have you injured your neck or back in a car accident? Neck and back injuries often have long-lasting effects on victims, affecting their physical well-being and their financial stability. Because of this, you might be curious about the average settlement for a car accident with a back and neck injury. Let’s explore the factors that affect settlement amounts for these injuries, the types of compensation you might qualify for, and how an attorney from Henderson Law might help. 

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What Is Considered a Minor Car Accident in California?

If you have been in a recent car accident, no matter how big or small, you are likely a little shaken up and have plenty of questions. It is common to wonder what qualifies as a “minor” accident under state law. Understanding this distinction is crucial, as it can impact how you approach insurance claims, repairs, and legal proceedings. In this article, we’ll delve into the criteria that define minor car accidents in California,

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What Are the Most Common Causes of Fatal Traffic Collisions?

Motor vehicle accidents are one of the leading causes of death in California. While some collisions result in minor injuries, tragically, too many are fatal. From January to June 2023, 19,515 people died in motor vehicle crashes. Most of us are on the road daily and may wonder, What is one of the most common causes of traffic collisions? Or perhaps you lost a loved one in a car accident and are curious about your options for compensation from the at-fault party.

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How Motorcycle Accidents Are Different Than Car Accidents

Across the United States, there are approximately 282 million vehicles registered, including motorcycles, passenger cars, trucks, buses, and other vehicles. Though they are not all on the road simultaneously, it is understandable that collisions do happen. In 2021, there were 4,285 traffic fatalities in California alone, 565 of which involved motorcycles. 

If you or someone you love travels California’s roadways by car, motorcycle, or both, you may be wondering about motorcycle accident vs car accident differences.

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What Is the Role of Expert Witnesses in Strengthening Your Auto Accident Claim?

Creating a clear picture of an auto accident for a judge or jury is not as easy as it sounds. In some cases, attorneys utilize expert witnesses to help them convey particular information during a trial. An expert witness can offer critical information to support your claim.

Expert witnesses can testify to multiple different elements of a car accident case, from the factors that caused the crash to the permanent consequences of your injuries.

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