Who Has the Right of Way at a Four-Way Stop in California?

Navigating a four-way stop can sometimes feel like participating in a complex dance-off with unclear rules and choreography. With drivers arriving from all directions, the question looms: Who has the right of way at a four-way stop? The answer lies in understanding California’s traffic laws and following clear, logical rules designed to ensure safety and order on the road.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or need guidance after an intersection accident,

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What Is the Hit-and-Run Investigation Process in California?

Were you recently involved in an accident where the other driver fled the scene? The focus is naturally on your health and safety, but once the dust settles, questions arise. Like, Do police investigate hit-and-runs? What are the penalties for the driver who fled? 

Like most states, California takes hit-and-run accidents seriously. It has a defined investigation process and legal consequences for perpetrators. This blog post will guide you through the process,

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Motorcycle Helmet Laws: Impact on Safety and Personal Injury Claims

Curious about the impact of helmet laws on personal injury claims? Depending on a state’s helmet regulations and safety laws, failure to wear a helmet may lead to reduced compensation and being found partially responsible for your injuries. Keep reading to discover the legal implications of helmet use and how compliance (or non-compliance) with helmet laws can affect personal injury claim outcomes.

What Are Helmet Laws? 

Many riders will tell you that there’s nothing like the feeling of freedom that comes with being on a motorcycle.

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How Motorcycle Accidents Are Different Than Car Accidents

Across the United States, there are approximately 282 million vehicles registered, including motorcycles, passenger cars, trucks, buses, and other vehicles. Though they are not all on the road simultaneously, it is understandable that collisions do happen. In 2021, there were 4,285 traffic fatalities in California alone, 565 of which involved motorcycles. 

If you or someone you love travels California’s roadways by car, motorcycle, or both, you may be wondering about motorcycle accident vs car accident differences.

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What Safety Measures Can Motorcyclists Take to Prevent Accidents?

California is a great place to ride a motorcycle. From one end of the state to the other, there are countless reasons to take to the open road, whether you are on a road trip adventure or just your daily commute. Unfortunately, riding a motorcycle does not come without serious risks. From 2019 to 2020, California saw a 9.8% increase in motorcycle fatalities, which mimics the national statistics. That number is not meant to deter you but just serves as a reminder that it is important to ride with caution and take preemptive safety measures to...