How Long Can You File a Claim After an Accident

After an accident, you may understandably feel angry, confused, and overwhelmed. An unexpected accident and injury can change your life forever. The thought of filing a lawsuit or pursuing compensation may add to these feelings. It’s important to remember that if someone else caused your accident, you have the right to hold them responsible.

But you need to know that you have a limited time to file your injury claim in California.

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Average Settlement for a Sidewalk Slip and Fall Lawsuit

More people sustain injuries in sidewalk slip and fall accidents than most people think. According to the National Floor Safety Institute, falls represent the leading cause of emergency room visits at 21.3%. In many California cities, pedestrians use sidewalks frequently during their everyday activities. Unfortunately, this can lead to sidewalk slip and fall accidents. 

In California, if you suffer injuries as a result of the negligent maintenance of property,

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When to Call OSHA for a Work Injury?

When you suffer an accident on the job, it’s crucial to report it as soon as possible. If you have a union at work, you should also contact your union representative. As an employee, you may be wondering whether work-related accidents are reportable to other agencies. What if there is a workplace safety issue? When to call OSHA for a work injury?

In some situations, your employer has a duty to report workplace accidents and fatalities to OSHA,

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