Who Is at Fault If a Delivery Truck Hit Me?

Delivery trucks are a common sight on our roadways. Usually, they elicit thoughts of longed-for packages and goodies and sought-after consumer goods. While delivery services offer incomparable convenience, they also increase the risk of accidents and personal injury

So what happens when one of those delivery vehicles ends up causing an accident? When the at-fault party is a truck driver who caused a delivery truck accident while on the job,

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Truck Accidents: Are Truck Drivers Liable for the Damage?

Every vehicular accident is unique, and truck accidents are no different. Truck drivers could be liable for damages in a collision, but they are not necessarily liable 100% of the time. Frequently, there may be multiple defendants because many truck drivers are working as employees. A truck drivers’ liability is determined on an individual basis. If you sustained injuries in a truck accident, it’s best to speak with an experienced trucking accident lawyer at Henderson Law.

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