Windsor Bicycle Accident Attorney
Windsor Bicycle Accident Lawyer Ready to Stand By Your Side
Biking is an increasingly popular pastime in Windsor, Ca. Our sunny, moderate climate coupled and a vast wine country landscape makes it a favorite activity for residents and visitors alike. Foothill Regional Park alone boasts 7 full miles of biking trails, and Ace It Bike Tours offers a Sonoma Wine Country Tour and a Windsor Bike n’ Brew Tour – if you are in the mood to be guided as you ride.
With all these opportunities to get out into the fresh air and sunshine, there does come a potential downside: bicycle accidents. So if you or a loved one has been struck by a car or other cyclist while enjoying all that Windsor has to offer, you will need the help of an experienced Windsor bicycle accident attorney at Henderson Law to help put your life back together again.
California Bicycle Accident Statistics
So how often do bike accidents happen in our state? And how many of them are fatal or serious? Let’s take a moment to look at these questions.
National Statistics
According to the U.S. Dept. of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, between 2013 and 2017, there were a recorded 3,958 cyclist fatalities in the United States. That is the equivalent of 792 fatalities a year, and a full 98% of those fatalities involved accidents that involved a bicyclist and a motor vehicle driver. And those are only the fatalities. The number of accidents is not recorded, but common sense dictates that there would be a significantly larger number of non-fatal accidents per year.
California Statistics
According to the California Department of Public Health, the number of accidents involving bicyclists has steadily risen from 2007 to 2012, then took a slight dip in 2013 as per the table below. Please note that these are accidents, not fatalities.
- In 2007, there were 10,574 bicyclist injuries in the state of California
- In 2009, there were 12,003 injuries
- In 2011, there were 13,627 injuries
- In 2012, there were 13,940 bicyclist injuries
- In 2013, there were 13,334 cyclist injuries
As compared to the entire country, only Louisiana, Hawaii, and South Carolina have higher bicyclist fatality rates than California. So bicycle safety should always be a priority for cyclists and drivers alike.
Determining Fault
In order to seek financial damages for your bicycle crash accident, let a skilled Windsor bicycle accident attorney help you prove that the other driver was at least partially at fault for the collision. Typical examples of negligence while driving include an intoxicated driver, someone falling asleep at the wheel, a distracted driver (text messaging and the like), simple carelessness, as well as reckless and dangerous driving (like speeding or weaving in and out of lanes). These would all fall under the category of negligence or recklessness and would form a solid basis from which to pursue a bicycle accident case.
But how would you prove any of the above preceded your accident? Well, there is always your testimony if you witnessed the driving pattern of the driver before they struck you. You should also ask yourself:
Did anyone witness the crash?
- Is there a police report regarding the crash?
- Did the driver get cited by the police for any traffic infraction?
- Were there any surveillance cameras near the site of the crash?
- How does your bike look? You should always preserve it after a crash so that the damage can be analyzed if needed to prove your case.
- Are there photos of the crash scene?
So if you are involved in a bicycle crash, try to have these things in mind while you are still at the scene. It can be extremely helpful if you also do these things while still at the scene of the crash:
- Look for witnesses and be sure to get as many names and contact numbers as you can.
- Be sure to call the police and wait for them to do a full investigation and report.
- Exchange information with the driver of the car who hit you.
- Take photos – as many as you can, from as many angles as you can.
- If you think about it, look around to see if there are any visible stores or traffic cameras nearby. Make a note of what you see so that your Windsor bicycle accident lawyer can pull those videos as soon as possible – before they get erased.
If You’ve Been Injured, Call Us Today
If you or a loved one has been injured in a bicycle accident, call an experienced Windsor bicycle accident lawyer today. Michael Henderson has 20 years of experience handling personal injury cases just like yours, and he is looking forward to helping you get the money that you need to put your life back together.
Our experienced legal team also represent clients with various types of injury cases such as:
So call our office today at (707) 843-3743, or contact us online to set up your free, no-obligation consultation today.